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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

The GPP2 guidelines: revised version of Good publication practice for communicating company sponsored medical research

The BMJ has just published a new version of “Good publication practice for communicating company sponsored medical research: the GPP2 guidelines” These guidelines are an update of the first version of the Good publication practice guidelines, published in 2003. The updated guidelines were produced after consultation with academics, journal editors  (including at PLoS) , publishers, medical writers and companies. They include a checklist.

New elements in the guidelines are:

• Authorship guidance which recommends assignment of a lead author and a guarantor (a person who takes responsibility for the integrity of the dataset)

• Contributorship guidance which recommends describing the role of the sponsor

• Recommendations about reimbursement

• Recommendations for specific types of articles and presentations

•Recommendations for publication planning and documentation

Updated elements include:

• Guidance on defining the roles of authors, sponsors, and other contributors

• Guidance on establishing a publication steering committee

• Confirmation of the role of professional medical writers

The authors are keen to get feedback, which can be given via the BMJ rapid responses site.

In a related debate, Ben Goldacre (doctor and writer – including of the Bad Science blog)  and Vincent Lawton consider “Is the conflict of interest unacceptable when drug companies conduct trials on their own drugs?” Yes, says Ben Goldacre. No says Vincent Lawton.

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