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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

This Week in PLoS Medicine: Registering systematic reviews; Health behaviors; Dengue vaccines

Image Credit: James Bowe

With the last publishing day of February, PLoS Medicine publishes our monthly editorial followed up with two new articles.

In this editorial, the PLoS Medicine Editors announce their support for an initiative that enables prospective registration of systematic reviews during their planning stage, the PROSPERO registry. The registry provides a free mechanism for systematic reviewers around the world to record their planned or ongoing systematic reviews. Going forward, PLoS Medicine will ask authors who submit reports of systematic reviews whether they registered their study, and to provide a copy of the protocol if available.

Silvia Stringhini and colleagues conduct further analysis of two prospective cohorts and find differences in the extent to which health behaviors attenuate associations between socioeconomic position and mortality outcomes.

Richard Mahoney and colleagues summarize two recent meetings convened by the Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative and the Developing Countries’ Vaccine Regulators Network on regulatory issues that need to be addressed before licensing dengue vaccines.

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