This Week in PLoS Medicine: Stroke outcomes; Gestational diabetes; Cervical cancer prevention
Three new articles were published this week in PLoS Medicine, with two new research articles, one featuring translated abstracts, and an update to our PLoS/WHO Collection page.
Charles Wolfe and colleagues collected data from the South London Stroke Register on 3,373 first strokes registered between 1995 and 2006 and show that between 20% and 30% of survivors have poor outcomes up to 10 years after stroke.
In a cluster-randomized trial, Riitta Luoto and colleagues find that counseling on diet and activity can reduce the birthweight of babies born to women at risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), but fail to find an effect on GDM.
Groesbeck Parham and colleagues describe their Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in Zambia, which has provided services to over 58,000 women over the past five years, and share lessons learned from the program’s implementation and integration with existing HIV/AIDS programs.
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