This Week in PLoS Medicine: Human trafficking; H1N1 in Hong Kong; Migration & Health
This week PLoS Medicine publishes its monthly editorial to coincide with the final article in our Migration and Health series.
In the June editorial, the PLoS Medicine editors highlight the global importance, impact, and health implications of trafficking in persons. This editorial helps conclude the PLoS Medicine series on Migration & Health. The editors argue that despite internationally agreed policies outlining states’ responsibilities to protect those affected by trafficking, many countries lack the political will to establish those protections.
Steven Riley and colleagues analyze a community cohort study from the 2009 (H1N1) influenza pandemic in Hong Kong and find that more children than adults were infected with H1N1, but children were less likely to progress to severe disease than adults.
In the final article in a six-part PLoS Medicine series on Migration & Health, Anita Davies and colleagues from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) discuss the specific health risks and policy needs associated with return migration.
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