Redefining ‘home’ – migration in pictures
Immigration policy has been in the news a lot recently, with EU ministers set to discuss an overhaul of the Schengen agreement this week and the attempt by North Carolina – the latest in a line of US states trying to impose its own rules on immigration policy – to introduce new verification system for employers that critics say will scapegoat immigrants.
As the migration and health series published in PLoS Medicine emphasized, population mobility is one of the key issues of the 21st century and there seems to be a chasm between the political debate and the global challenge of meeting the needs of migrants.
A photo essay in Boston Globe’s The Big Picture vividly brings to life some of the stories behind immigration across the world – stories that are often obscured by the dehumanizing language and myths that mark the political debate about immigration . See the pictures from Italy, Australia, Mexico, Ivory Coast, Tunisia, Syria and elsewhere on the Big Picture site.