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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

This Week in PLoS Medicine: Clinic treatment of HIV; Pre-ART treatment; African First Aid Materials

Image Credit: Daniel Lobo

Three new articles on HIV treatment were published this week in PLoS Medicine, and an accompanying Health in Action article on the Red Cross’s new project for Africa.

Lawrence Long and colleagues report that “down-referring” stable HIV patients from a doctor-managed, hospital-based ART clinic to a nurse-managed primary health facility provides good health outcomes and cost-effective treatment for patients.

In a systematic review, Sydney Rosen and Matthew Fox find that less than one-third of patients who tested positive for HIV, but were not eligible for antiretroviral therapy (ART) when diagnosed, were retained in pre-ART care continuously.

Nathan Ford and Edward Mills discuss broad issues in HIV care delivery that were raised in research carried out by Lawrence Long and colleagues into down-shifting HIV care to primary health facilities.

Stijn Van de Velde and colleagues describe the African First Aid Materials project, which developed evidence-based guidelines on administering first aid in the African context as well as training materials to support the implementation of the guidelines.

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