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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

This Week in PLoS Medicine: Tobacco’s corporate social responsibility; Health policy & systems research; smoking in films

Image Credit: H.L.I.T.

This week PLoS Medicine publishes four new articles, including two articles on the subject of smoking in cinema. Also check out our editor’s blog post about these fascinating articles!

Gary Fooks and colleagues undertook a review of tobacco industry documents and show that policies on corporate social responsibility can enable access to and dialogue with policymakers at the highest level.

In the second of a series of articles addressing the current challenges and opportunities for the development of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR), Lucy Gilson and colleagues argue the importance of insights from the social sciences.

Simon Chapman and Matthew Farrelly argue against recent calls in the US and elsewhere for movies with smoking scenes to be adult-rated.

Christopher Millett and colleagues examine government inaction on the WHO recommendation for adult content ratings of films with smoking, and highlight the generous film industry subsidies many countries provide.

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