This Week in PLoS Medicine: Night shift & diabetes; Subdural hematomae; Traumatic brain injury & more
At the close of the year, PLoS Medicine has published five new articles, including our monthly editorial.
The PLoS Medicine Editors discuss the link between shift work, diet, and type 2 diabetes, and argue that unhealthy eating should be considered a new form of occupational hazard.
Anna Nordström and Peter Nordström analyzed a prospective nationwide cohort of 440,742 Swedish men and find that reduced cognitive function in young adulthood is associated with increased risk of subdural hematoma later in life, whereas a higher level of education and physical fitness is associated with a decreased risk.
Seena Fazel and colleagues conducted a longitudinal follow-up study in Sweden that evaluated the risks of violent crime subsequent to hospitalization for epilepsy or traumatic brain injury; their findings call into question an association between epilepsy and violent crime, although there may be a relationship between traumatic brain injury and violent crime. Jan Volavka provides a Perspective on the article.
Rafael Dal-Ré and colleagues argue that the recruitment targets and performance of all site investigators in multi-centre clinical trials should be disclosed in trial registration sites before a trial starts, and when it ends.
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