This Week in PLoS Medicine: End-of-life care; Clean Delivery Kits; Mortality in seniors & more
Four new articles published this week in PLoS Medicine, including our monthly editorial and a new Essay returning to the need for mental health to be a noncommunicable diseases focus.
In the February editorial, the PLoS Medicine editors reflect on recent research describing care for cancer patients in the final days of life.
A pooled analysis of data from three studies in South Asia demonstrates an association between use of clean delivery kits during home births and reduced risk of neonatal mortality.
Cleusa Ferri and colleagues studied mortality rates in over 12,000 people aged 65 years and over in Latin America, India, and China and showed that chronic diseases are the main causes of death and that education has an important effect on mortality.
Mark Tomlinson and Crick Lund analyze why mental health does not garner the international attention, political priority, or funding that it deserves, and offer suggestions to improve the visibility of global mental health.
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