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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

This Week in PLOS Medicine: Type 1 diabetes; Obesity & malnutrition; Remote health care; GMHP

Image Credit: 26th MEU(SOC) PAO (U.S. Marines)

Four new articles published this week in PLOS Medicine:

Helen Colhoun and colleagues report findings from a Scottish registry linkage study of contemporary risks for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality among individuals diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Surveying women and children from refugee camps in Algeria, Carlos Grijalva-Eternod and colleagues find high rates of obesity among women as well as many undernourished children.

Aaron Orkin and colleagues describe their collaboration that developed, delivered, and studied a community-based first response training program in a remote indigenous community in northern Canada.

As one article in an ongoing series on Global Mental Health Practice, Joshua Ssebunnya and colleagues provide a case study from Uganda that describes their work developing a national mental health policy.

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