This Week in PLOS Medicine: Maternal health; TB in prisons; Health consequences of child abuse
PLOS Medicine finishes out November with its monthly Editorial and two new Research Articles, and an update to our Maternal Health Collection:
The PLOS Medicine Editors and the Maternal Health Task Force announce a new call for papers on the theme of “maternal health is women’s health.” Articles will stand the best chance of inclusion in the Year 2 Collection if they are submitted by 1 April 2013.
Daniel Winetsky and colleagues investigate eight strategies for screening and diagnosis of tuberculosis within prisons of the former Soviet Union.
Rosana Norman and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the relationship between child physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect, and subsequent mental and physical health outcomes.
Since November 2011, the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF), an initiative based at the Harvard School of Public Health, has collaborated with PLOS to create a freely available, open access collection of outstanding research and commentary on maternal health: the MHTF-PLOS Collection on Maternal Health. This 3-year partnership reflects a shared overarching goal: to improve women’s and children’s health by ensuring more people have greater access to more comprehensive maternal health data, programmatic experiences, and lessons learned, and to be informed about critical areas of debate and growing consensus. The theme of the Year 1 Collection (2011-12) was “quality of maternal health care” and 19 articles were published. This week the PLOS Medicine Editors and the MHTF announce the theme of the current Year 2 Collection (2012-13): “maternal health is women’s health” with a Call for Papers. Regular updates will be provided at the Collection page.
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