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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

This Week in PLOS Medicine: HIV treatment disengagement; Aid displacement; Mental health in Georgia

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Five new articles published this week in PLOS Medicine, including a Perspective, discussing the further impact of one of our Research Articles.

Norma Ware and colleagues conducted a large qualitative study among patients in HIV treatment programs in sub-Saharan Africa to investigate reasons for missed visits and provide an explanation for disengagement from care. Edward Mills and Christine Nabiryo provide a Perspective on the article.

Eran Bendavid and Rajaie Batniji provide a perspective on the ongoing debates about aid displacement – whether giving development aid to governments leads to reductions in their own domestic health financing.

Christopher Murray and colleagues provide a perspective on displacement due to development assistance for health, and argue for more data and better statistical methods to measure aid displacement.

As part of an ongoing series on Global Mental Health Practice, Robert van Voren and Nino Makhashvili provide a case study from Georgia on mental health care reforms.

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