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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

Tackling Cholera in Haiti: A Multi-Faceted Approach

The PLOS medical journals reflect on Haiti’s cholera epidemic, and the value of moving forward with an emphasis on holistic practice and research.

Image Credit: FMSC, Flickr
Image Credit: FMSC, Flickr

Almost three years ago, in May of 2011, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases published a Viewpoints piece, Meeting Cholera’s Challenge to Haiti and the World: A Joint Statement on Cholera Prevention and Care, which urged the development of a “comprehensive, integrated strategy” in response to Haiti’s 2010 cholera epidemic. The Pan American Health Organization estimates that the outbreak now includes over 650,000 survivors and 8,100 fatal cases. Indeed, the epidemic has had enormous repercussions for a nation already facing the effects of the devastating 2010 earthquake.

At PLOS, research and opinion from across the medical journals, and this blog, have grappled with the issues raised by that first joint statement. The topics have ranged from an investigation of mass vaccination feasibility to an analysis of Haiti’s water-borne bacteria, and each article has helped to build an important new knowledge base. Though the task of ending cholera in Haiti remains daunting, this knowledge ensures that future efforts can be faster, more thorough, and ultimately, more successful.


From PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Cholera Vaccination Campaign Contributes to Improved Knowledge Regarding Cholera and Improved Practice Relevant to Waterborne Disease in Rural Haiti

Cholera in Pregnancy: Outcomes from a Specialized Cholera Treatment Unit for Pregnant Women in Leogane, Haiti

Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Cholera during the First Year of the Epidemic in Haiti


From PLOS Currents: Outbreaks

No Evidence of Significant Levels of Toxigenic V. cholera O1 in the Haitian Aquatic Environment During the 2012 Rainy Season

The Dry Season in Haiti: A Window of Opportunity to Eliminate Cholera


From PLOS Currents: Disasters

The Haitian Health Cluster Experience: A Comparative Evaluation of the Professional Communication Response to the 2010 Earthquake and the Subsequent Cholera Outbreak

Communication Response to the 2010 Earthquake and the Subsequent Cholera Outbreak


From PLOS Pathogens

The 2010 Cholera Outbreak in Haiti: How Science Solved a Controversy

Phase Variable O Antigen Biosynthetic Genes Control Expression of the Major Protective Antigen and Bacteriophage Receptor in Vibrio cholerae O1

A Genome-Wide Approach to Discovery of Small RNAs Involved in Regulation of Virulence in Vibrio cholerae


From Speaking of Medicine

Pathogens and People: Reflections from Haiti

MSF: Cholera Epidemics: Emergency Response in Haiti and Beyond

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