Does blogging help patients cope with the lengthy and toxic treatment for multidrug resistant tuberculosis? Do humanitarian responses to crises fail to…
Conference news MSF Scientific Day 2013
Conference news Spotlight from the CUGH Conference 2013: Innovative Technologies
I recently attended the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) conference in Washington DC from March 13-16, 2013. I found the…
Conference news Anyone for an Evidence Summer?
In this gloomy northern hemispheric spring, it seems there is something interesting and encouraging going on in public health. Finally, perhaps the…
Conference news A snapshot from “Public Health Science: A national conference dedicated to new research in public health”
Faraz Ahmed reports from last month’s Public Health Science conference dedicated to new research in public health at the Royal Society of…
Conference news Getting a gender agenda into HIV/AIDS research
Why aren’t sex and gender issues higher up the agenda in HIV/AIDS research? That was the topic of a panel discussion I…
Collections Meet PLoS at AIDS 2012, Washington D.C.
Last week PLoS Medicine published a new sponsored collection, Investigating the Impact of Treatment on New HIV Infections, which addresses the issues…
Access Getting in the Access Loop: Mentorship for Publishing African Health Research
In the second post of a short series reflecting on last month’s Getting in the Access Loop webinar organised by the Humanitarian Centre, HIFA2015 and PLoS, Janice…
Conference news Conflicted: The War for Health
CONFLICTED: THE WAR FOR GLOBAL HEALTH MEDSIN GLOBAL HEALTH CONFERENCE 14th-15th April 2012 King’s College London As National Coordinator of Medsin, I…
Conference news Strengthening Rwandan Surgery: Surgical Residents’ Perspective
Guest bloggers Gita Mody, Robin Petroze & Edmond Ntaganda discuss efforts to strengthen surgical care in Rwanda. In March 2011, the Rwanda…
Conference news A rollercoaster of emotions at Union World Lung Health conference
Guest post by Bern-Thomas Nyang’wa, a Malawian public health doctor working as a TB Implementer for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Bern provides…
Conference news Being bold on a budget at Lille
Guest post by Beverly Collin, Programmes Advisor Health Policy and Practice at MSF UK After the initial orientation to the vast Union…
Conference news Paediatric tuberculosis: out of the dark
Guest post by Grania Brigden, the TB advisor to the MSF Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines. For too long, children with…