This Week in PLoS Medicine: Alcohol industry; Flu vaccines & premature births; threshold hemoglobin values & more
Closing out May with a big publishing week, PLoS Medicine released five new articles this week, including our editorial and the continuation of the Migration and Health series.
In this month’s editorial, the PLoS Medicine Editors call for more attention to the practices and undue influence of the alcohol industry on health research, government policy, and public perceptions.
In an analysis of surveillance data from the US state of Georgia, Saad Omer and colleagues show an association between receipt of influenza vaccination among pregnant women and reduced risk of premature births.
Anoop Shah and colleagues performed a retrospective cohort study and a systematic review and provide evidence of threshold haemoglobin values below which mortality increased in a graded, continuous fashion (among people with stable coronary disease).
In a cluster randomized trial, Beth Kangwana and colleagues find that the provision of subsidized packs of the malaria therapy artemether-lumefantrine to shops more than doubled the proportion of children with fever who received drugs promptly.
In the third article in a six-part PLoS Medicine series on Migration & Health, Cally Roper and Caroline Lynch use a case study of migration and anti-malarial drug resistance in Uganda to discuss the specific health risks and policy needs associated with the transit phase of migration.
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