PLOS Pathogens Invites Antifungal Immunity Research
PLOS Pathogens invites research on fungal pathogenesis and its interactions with immunity for inclusion in a new collection. Submit your research now.
We’ve extended the submission deadline! The new deadline for research submissions is September 20th.
PLOS Pathogens recognizes the importance of understanding the molecular and cellular basis of immunity against fungi, which can be used to guide further research or therapeutic treatments. PLOS Pathogens is a natural home for antifungal immunity research, where outstanding research is read by the widest possible audience. Reflecting the full breadth of research on bacteria, fungi, parasites, prions and viruses, the journal is home to outstanding original research of broad interest that significantly advance the understanding of pathogens and how they interact with their host organisms.
The journal encourages work that relates to, but is not limited by, the following topics:
- innate immunity and its impact on fungal pathogenesis
- adaptive immunity and its impact on fungal pathogenesis
- immunodeficiency and its impact on fungal pathogenesis
- how the host microbiome impacts immunity and the impact on fungal pathogenesis
Submissions may explore human or animal fungal immunity, and should demonstrate substantive mechanistic insight into the interactions between fungal pathogenesis and host immunity.
Associate Editors Mairi Noverr, Tobias Hohl, and Amariliz Rivera are excited to act as handling editors for these studies, in conjunction with the rest of our Mycology Editors.
See our growing Antifungal Immunity Collection for examples of previous studies published in PLOS Pathogens. Please submit by June 14, 2019 for your manuscript to be considered for inclusion in the collection. When submitting, please mention this call for papers in your cover letter or submission form.
Submit your Antifungal Immunity research to PLOS Pathogens!
Image Credit: Fites JS, et al. (2018)