Daily Click: Investigating (dis)honesty
Among many other activities the British Science Association also runs the UK’s largest science festival each September. Topics this year include the 200th Anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the International Year of Astronomy
Ahead of this year’s festival are they conducting a mass participation experiment – “the first ever international study to investigate public perceptions of dishonesty.” Try it here at the Honesty Lab
And on the subject of astronomy, don’t forget that next Monday, July 20th, it’ll be 40 years to the day since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. By the way, my favourite quote so far in all the words written this year about the moon landing was from Tim Stevenson, chief engineer at Leicester University’s Space Research Centre, in the Guardian‘s coverage when he said, in a phrase to warm the hearts of managers everywhere, “Apollo was the combination of technologies, none of which was particularly dramatic. Combining it was the achievement. This was a bunch of people who didn’t know how to fail. Apollo was a triumph of management, not engineering”