This Week in PLoS Medicine: Private health foundations; Private vs public ambulatory care; Mosquito net use
Four new articles were published this week in PLoS Medicine, including a Perspective on a research article.
David Stuckler and colleagues examine five large private global health foundations and report on the scope of relationships between these tax-exempt foundations and for-profit corporations, including major food and pharmaceutical companies.
Paul Garner and colleagues conducted a systematic review of 80 studies to compare the quality of private versus public ambulatory health care in low- and middle-income countries. In a Perspective article, Jishnu Das discusses the importance of this systematic review and argues that discussions about quality should now extend to health care markets.
Thomas Eisele and colleagues dispute reports in media and elsewhere that insecticide-treated nets are not widely used, or are misused, and say that such misconceptions are not evidence-based and are damaging to malaria control efforts.
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