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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

This Week in PLoS Medicine: Ghostwriting; Dengue & population density; Neonatal mortality & more!

Image Credit: fotologic

Six new articles published this week in PLoS Medicine, including the monthly editorial which coincides with the launch of the new Ghostwriting Collection.

The PLoS Medicine editors discuss new perspectives on ghostwriting and reflect on the suggested remedies put forth this month in the journal.

Wolf-Peter Schmidt and colleagues, studying 75,000 geo-referenced households in Vietnam during two dengue epidemics, report that human population densities typical of villages are most prone to dengue outbreaks; rural areas may contribute as much to dissemination of dengue fever as do cities.

Mikkel Oestergaard and colleagues develop annual estimates of neonatal mortality rates and neonatal deaths for 193 countries for 1990 to 2009, and provide forecasts into the future.

Linus Bengtsson and colleagues examine the use of mobile phone positioning data to monitor population movements during disasters and outbreaks, finding that reports on population movements can be generated within twelve hours of receiving data.

Peter Gething and Andrew Tatem discuss the potential impact of mobile phone positioning data on disaster response and highlight challenges that must be addressed if use of this technology is to develop.

In the final article in a 3-part series addressing the current challenges and opportunities for the development of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR), Sara Bennett and colleagues lay out an agenda for action moving forward.

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