Estrella Lasry, Tropical Diseases Advisor at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), describes the challenges of combating malaria in populations isolated by geography or violence…
Access Malaria Prevention: Tackling the Gaps in Reaching the Hardest-to-Reach
Access Lessons that Last, and Last, and Last: 400 Pearls and Still Counting
In conjunction with the publication of the 400th Pearls article, PLOS Pathogens Pearls Editor Joseph Heitman reflects on the continued success of Pearls, an Open…
Access Follow the Money; or, Why it Took an Accounts Committee to Decide Why Access to Clinical Trial Data Matters
Ginny Barbour, Medicine Editorial Director at PLOS, discusses a recently-published UK Government spending report on access to clinical trial information and the…
Access Demonstrating Progress: Building a More Equitable Global R&D System
Suerie Moon and John-Arne Røttingen from Harvard University call for WHO member states to embrace new approaches to governing the global research…
Access European Court is on the Wrong Side on Patient Safety
Síle Lane from Sense About Science discusses the recent European Court injunction on clinical trial data. The European General Court has issued…
Access (B)3-Bad Science, Bad Pharma…now Bad Guidelines
The latest front in the increasingly strained relationship between the pharma industry and the medical profession has just opened up. Bad Guidelines…
Access Getting serious about registering and reporting trials –
A new initiative to bring to the forefront the issue of trial registration has just been launched, led by Ben Goldacre (who…
Access Improving access to information: Day 2 of the global maternal health conference 2013
I had the pleasure today of officially launching the Year 1 Open Access Collection on Maternal Health that PLOS has developed with…
Access Now is the time for transparency and access to clinical-trial data
Carl Heneghan, Director of the University of Oxford’s Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine, discusses recent developments in access to clinical-trial data. The Pharmaceutical…
Access Stuck in a time warp: WHO-brokered global R&D action plan shelved
Julien Potet and Katy Athersuch from Médecins Sans Frontières’ Access Campaign discuss a backward step for medical research & development. Ten years…
Access Getting in the Access Loop: The Local Journal, The African Researcher and The Article-Level Metric
In the third post of a short series reflecting on last month’s Getting in the Access Loop webinar organised by the Humanitarian Centre, HIFA2015 and…
Access Open Access Is Not for Scientists. It’s for Medical Students
Across the UK, thousands of newly qualified doctors are celebrating passing their exams and finishing medical school. Perhaps it is better seen…