While watching the World Cup, Dean Schillinger was reminded of the ongoing back-and-forth matchup between the soda industry and public health advocates. Last…
Big Food The Sickness Lurking Beneath World Cup Fever
Big Food Sweetening their own deal
Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (@CSPI), comments on a research article appearing in…
Big Food Is obesity simply about a lack of “balance”? Why Big Food wants you to be fit
This blog was commisioned from Yoni Freedhoff to coincide with the final week of the PLoS Medicine series on Big Food &ndash…
Big Food 3rd and Final Installment of PLoS Medicine series on Big Food
Today we publish the remaining and final 3 articles commissioned for the PLoS Medicine series on Big Food – we think these…
Big Food Q&A with David Stuckler – guest editor of PLoS Medicine series on Big Food
Following the launch of the PLoS Medicine series on Big Food and the publication of the first three articles in the series…
Big Food Big Food Tweet Chat – Read the stream using #plosmedbigfood – Storify transcript coming soon
Today we hosted a lively and informative Tweet Chat using #plosmedbigfood with guest editors Marion Nestle (@marionnestle) and David Stuckler (@davidstuckler) along…
Big Food Why PLoS Medicine and Big Food?
“Industry has long fascinated PLoS Medicine, but our focus on food is new.” In an editorial today, the editors introduce the PLoS…