Margaret A. Winker, MD, Senior Research Editor for PLOS Medicine, reflects on the 2010 Policy Forum by Adriane Fugh-Berman that explored the…
10th Anniversary Outing Wyeth and Their Hired Ghosts
General The Global Challenges of Noncommunicable Diseases: A PLOS Medicine Collection: The First Installment
In December 2012, PLOS Medicine launched a call for papers on noncommunicable diseases including mental health.(1) In this first installment of the…
General The Global Challenges of Noncommunicable Diseases: A PLOS Medicine Collection: The First Installment
In December 2012, PLOS Medicine launched a call for papers on noncommunicable diseases including mental health.(1) In this first installment of the…
Policy Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials: A Creative Approach to a Public Good; Now a Creative Approach to Implementation is Needed
Margaret A. Winker, MD, Senior Research Editor, PLOS Medicine, and Virginia Barbour, MD, Chief Editor, PLOS Medicine, on behalf of the PLOS…
General Facing Up to the US Gun Problem: Steps in the Right Direction
The United States has a gun problem, but if the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has any silver lining, perhaps the US…