The National Committee of PharmAware, a UK-based student organisation, review ‘Bad Pharma’ by Ben Goldacre. Medical students are taught to make decisions…
Book Review Book Review: What Can We Do About ‘Bad Pharma’?
Book Review Book Review: Risking the Public’s Health, Exposing the Hidden Practices of Big Pharma and Big Food
Bill Wiist from Northern Arizona University reviews ‘Born with a Junk Food Deficiency: How Flaks, Quacks and Hacks Pimp the Public Health&rsquo…
Book Review Book Review: A Maternal and Perinatal Health ‘How-to Manual’ with a Difference
Natasha Hezelgrave from Kings College London reviews ‘Maternal and Perinatal Health in Developing Countries’ Maternal mortality represents one of the starkest disparities…
Book Review When people live with multiple chronic diseases: a wiki-book review
Guest blog by Martin McShane, Director of strategic planning for NHS Lincolnshire Martin settled into his train-seat. He checked the itinerary he…