Those of you with more than a passing interest in publication bias and other threats to the integrity of the research literature…
General Silent takedown of the pharma trials database…and more
General Obama’s bioethics commission reports on international research protections
A US standing Presidential Commission, asked to assure “that current rules for research participants protect people from harm or unethical treatment, domestically…
General What should the ethical protections be in cluster trials?
This week I was delighted to listen in to a consensus conference of researchers, ethicists, editors and other interested parties, aiming to…
Peer review How can we improve peer review: the impact of reporting guidelines
There’s a lot of nay-saying about peer review out there – it’s messy, inadequate, timeconsuming, boring, and nobody knows what it’s supposed…
Conference news The science of outcomes: how far have we come?
UPDATE 1 AUGUST: The COMET website has now launched. Its database lists the outcomes standardisation efforts that are going on across clinical…
Global Health “No Health Without Research” Collection: Minding the Gap Between Research Needs and Research Output
Research output is forever increasing — an average of seventy-five trials, and eleven systematic reviews per day, on the last count, which…
Global Health Bringing the Global into Global Health Ethics
Clinical ethics have become far too preoccupied with the individual, autonomy and informed consent, argued Baroness Onora O’Neill at the Nuffield Council…
Policy Encouraging best practice in systematic reviews
The PLoS Medicine editorial this month focuses on initiatives ensuring best practice in the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews. This editorial…
Policy What is PLoS Medicine’s policy on trials registration?
It’s now well over five years since the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors announced a policy requiring that clinical trials considered…
Access New European policy – greater transparency and access to data from drug regulator
The European Medicines Agency (EMA – the public body carrying out the centralised review and approval of new medicines across Europe) has…
Conference news Ethics of new developments in personalised healthcare
A new report released yesterday by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics explores the impact, and ethical consequences, of personalised healthcare in a…
General Does post-publication peer review work?
So peer review is broken, according to a recent piece in The Scientist: it’s slow, biased, arbitrary and overloads the community. But…