The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, based at the University of York in the UK, has just launched a new initiative for…
Policy Reducing bias in systematic reviews – a bid for registration
General Why animal research needs reporting guidelines: improving ethics and translation
This week PLoS Biology publishes a Perspective and related editorial discussing the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) guidelines, aimed towards…
General Making drug and device regulation more transparent — FDA invites public comment on proposals
As part of its longstanding efforts towards providing greater accountability, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just released a set…
General Quality of trial reporting: not great, but getting better slowly
Last week, updated recommendations for reporting randomized trials — the CONSORT 2010 guidelines — were published in PLoS Medicine and other medical…
General The numbers are the numbers: Avandia, heart attacks, and leaked messages
A recently released report from the US Senate Finance Committee led by Senator Charles Grassley (who has also queried several medical journals…
Access What does it mean to deidentify data?
Many journals, including PLoS Medicine, have policies regarding the availability of datasets underpinning published research findings. For example, PLoS journal policies require…
General StaRs of child health
What are the problems with paediatric trials, and how can we make the evidence base in child health bigger, more reliable, and…
General China-UK Research Ethics Report
A recent report published by the UK Medical Research Council focusses on the frameworks for regulation of biomedical research in the Peoples&rsquo…
Access Supporting systematic reviews
Yesterday, PLoS Medicine – along with several other journals, Annals of Internal Medicine, BMJ, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, and Open Medicine &ndash…
General EU drugs industry antitrust report out…
The European Commission posted yesterday its report of the pharmaceutical industry from an 18 month investigation of drug industry practices in relation…
General Psychiatric bible bashing
The somewhat secretive ins and outs of the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V) seem to…
General Comparative Effectiveness Research – what are the ingredients for success?
A review by Kalipso Chalkidou and colleagues published in the Milbank Quarterly compares the characteristics of health technology assessment entities in the…