Maggie Brown, MS, ELS is Senior Production Editor at PLoS 2.6 billion people around the world have no access to “improved sanitation.&rdquo…
Policy MDG 7c: The Sanitation Goal Is in the Toilet
Global Health Hygiene, Sanitation, and Water (HSW): Neglected Problems, Lagging Solutions
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS, Senior Production Editor at PLoS continues her series of posts on water and sanitation. For a huge proportion…
Conference news Announcing World Water Week, 5-11 September 2010, Stockholm.
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS is Senior Production Editor at PLoS The theme this year is “Responding to Global Changes: The Water Quality…
General Healthier Water, Healthier People
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS is Senior Production Editor at PLoS Healthier Water, Healthier People: An Approach to Improving Water Quality is a…
General The UN Declares Access to Water and Sanitation a Human Right
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS is Senior Production Editor at PLoS On July 28, the UN General Assembly took an important step on…
General Today is World Water Day
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS is Senior Production Editor at PLoS “Four of every ten people in the world do not have access…
General Progress report on water and sanitation MDG released
The report “Progress on Sanitation and Drinking-Water – 2010 Update Report“, assessing progress on MDG 7c (drinking water supply and sanitation), is…
General Water and Sanitation in Humanitarian Emergencies
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS is Senior Production Editor at PLoS In a humanitarian crisis a population’s needs are great and many–for medical…
General Water and Sanitation: Not Glamorous, but Critical
Maggie Brown, MS, ELS, is Senior Production Editor at PLoS. Current efforts toward delivering lifesaving medicines and other interventions to developing countries…