The Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently ended a three-day special session to discuss radical WHO reforms. The…
General WHO: what is the truth about the current situation?
Conference news Being bold on a budget at Lille
Guest post by Beverly Collin, Programmes Advisor Health Policy and Practice at MSF UK After the initial orientation to the vast Union…
Global Health Medical assistance and crisis mapping: is the hype justified?
Guest post by Sierra Williams Popular data visualization tools and crisis mapping software are increasingly relied upon to better equip on-the-ground medical…
General Sustainability for abolition of user fees in Africa: shared responsibility for a complex problem
As the blog by Rhona MacDonald Encouraging developments for universal access to health care emphasized developing countries continue their march towards achieving…
General Health Worker Crisis: Time For Action
This week sees the launch of No Child Out of Reach, a Save the Children report that aims to raise awareness of…
General WASHwatch: helping to hold governments to account on their commitments to the fundamental foundations of health.
“Watches” —civil society’s accountability tool—are in vogue: First, there was PEPFAR Watch, an initiative set up to hold U.S. global AIDS funding…
General Encouraging developments for universal access to health care
As outlined in the current World Health Report, Health System Financing; The path to universal coverage, three fundamental and interrelated problems restrict…
General Violence against health-care must end: it’s a matter of life and death
“One of the first victims of war is the health-care system itself,” according to Marco Baldan, the chief war surgeon of the…
General Medical, public health and economic consequences of bad diagnostics for tuberculosis
Guest post by Madhukar Pai, David W. Dowdy and Karen R Steingart, tuberculosis (TB) researchers at McGill University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School…
General The business of vaccines
Given the current economic climate, the sight of countries trying to outbid each other in their generosity to pledge money for vaccines…
Policy Dreadful Deauville disappoints on health
Dr Rhona MacDonald, freelance editor, The report stating the delivery and results of the latest G8 Commitments on Health and Food…
Global Health Bringing the Global into Global Health Ethics
Clinical ethics have become far too preoccupied with the individual, autonomy and informed consent, argued Baroness Onora O’Neill at the Nuffield Council…