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PLOS BLOGS Speaking of Medicine and Health

New systematic review identifies gap in treatment for epilepsy in LAMIC

A paper just published in the WHO bulletin draws further attention to the global disparity in caring for those with epilepsy between high- and low- income countries, and between rural and urban settings. Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide, and 80% of them live in the developing world, but many of those in need to do not receive vital medication. As part of a recent seven part series we featured that explored how best to treat mental, neurological and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries mental health in low and middle income countries a magazine piece by Caroline K. Mbuba and Charles R. Newton pointed out that ‘this “treatment gap” is influenced by factors such as limited knowledge, poverty, cultural beliefs, stigma, poor health delivery infrastructure, and shortage of trained health care workers.’ and further that ‘Governments in LMICs need to recognize the burden of epilepsy and need to develop packages of care to reduce the disability associated with this condition in an efficient, sustainable, and equitable manner’. They also identified two useful packages of care for those with epilepsy in low and middle income countries.

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