In the second post in celebration of the 10th Anniversaries of PLOS and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), PLOS Medicine…
MSF PLOS & DNDi launch a new Collection celebrating a Decade of Open Access and NTD R&D
General TB Patients Take the Stage: Now for an R&D Model That Meets Their Needs
Grania Brigden, TB advisor to the MSF Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, describes how the current drug R&D model is failing…
General TB Patients Take the Stage: Now for an R&D Model That Meets Their Needs
Grania Brigden, TB advisor to the MSF Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, describes how the current drug R&D model is failing…
MSF The Limits of Humanitarian Aid: MSF and TB in Somalia
Unni Karunakara and Jean-Christophe Dollé describe the challenges faced by Médecins Sans Frontières’ TB programme as the organisation withdrew from Somalia in…
General How Access to Life-Saving Antisera is Dwindling Fast, and What to do About it
Julien Potet from MSF describes the underlying causes limiting access to antisera in low- and middle-income countries. What do snakebites, tetanus and rabies…
MSF To Err is Humanitarian
Leslie Shanks describes the challenging task of implementing error reporting within Médecins sans Frontières’ programmes. I remember that day as if it…
Conference news MSF Scientific Day 2013
Does blogging help patients cope with the lengthy and toxic treatment for multidrug resistant tuberculosis? Do humanitarian responses to crises fail to…
General Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention: Good News in a Year Marked by Malaria Emergencies
Estrella Lasry from Médecins Sans Frontières reflects on the roll out of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Mali and Chad. In 2012, MSF…
MSF Vaccines in Developing Countries: Why the High Prices?
Kate Elder and Jennifer Cohn from Médecins Sans Frontières question why new vaccines are so expensive. Global health leaders will gather in…
MSF Familiar Enemies in Conflict and TB
Charles Ssonko from Médecins Sans Frontières reflects on the challenges of treating TB in unstable settings. Amid the justified excitement surrounding the…
General Buruli Ulcer in a Brave New World
Daniel O’Brien from Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders describes his recent visit to Cameroon and calls for research and action to tackle…
General The Horseman, the Donkey and the Virus: Hepatitis E in South Sudan
Médecins Sans Frontières’ Ian Woolley reports on the current hepatitis E outbreak in the refugee camps of South Sudan. Pestilence, along with…