Grania Brigden (@TBBrigden) discusses the urgent need to close the gaps in the TB response. The 45th Union World Conference on Lung…
General Mind the Deadly Gaps
General The Price of Joining the ‘Middle Income Country’ Club: Reduced Access to Medical Innovation
On November 5, 2014, the WHO, WIPO and WTO will hold a joint symposium to discuss innovation and access to medical technologies in…
Ebola Ebola: a Blind Outbreak
Grazia Caleo of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) UK describes her experiences as a medical epidemiologist during the Ebola outbreak in Kailhun, Sierra…
General Scientific Day 2014: The Role of Evidence in Humanitarian Aid
Sarah Venis and Philipp du Cros reflect on the theme of this year’s MSF scientific day which will be streamed live online…
General The MSF Scientific Day 2014 will be streamed live online on Friday 23rd May
PLOS Medicine and BioMed Central are proud to be co-sponsoring this year’s MSF Scientific Day and have co-written this joint blog on…
MSF Malaria Control in Emergencies: Time for Action
Estrella Lasry, Tropical Advisor to MSF, on measures taken by the organisation to predict and prevent malaria outbreaks in emergency situations. A…
Cholera Tackling Cholera in Haiti: A Multi-Faceted Approach
The PLOS medical journals reflect on Haiti’s cholera epidemic, and the value of moving forward with an emphasis on holistic practice and…
General Drug-Resistant TB: Dying for Better Treatment
On World TB day patient advocate Goodman Makhanda and Dr Jennifer Hughes from Médecins Sans Frontières reflect on successes and challenges of…
General Drugs for the Poor, Drugs for the Rich: Why the Current R&D Model Doesn’t Deliver
Manica Balasegaram from the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Access Campaign, reflects on a research and development system that is failing the world’s…
General Drugs for the Poor, Drugs for the Rich: Why the Current R&D Model Doesn’t Deliver
Manica Balasegaram from the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Access Campaign, reflects on a research and development system that is failing the world’s…
General HIV Viral Load Testing in Africa – No Longer Why but How?
Helen Bygrave from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) considers the challenges of making HIV viral load testing an effective reality in sub-Saharan Africa…
MSF PLOS & DNDi launch a new Collection celebrating a Decade of Open Access and NTD R&D
In the second post in celebration of the 10th Anniversaries of PLOS and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), PLOS Medicine…