Mohammad Razai discusses the fight against TB in Afghanistan and the need to focus on new shorter treatment for MDR TB through involvement…
Global Health Ending Tuberculosis in Afghanistan: working together towards a common goal
Global Health Shorter Regimens Offer New Hope to Adults and Children with MDR TB by Halving Treatment Time
Leonardo Palumbo, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), reflects on the new WHO guidelines for MDR-TB. Recent treatment regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) have resulted…
General Tackling tuberculosis: New models for an old disease
On World TB Day, Lucy Bell, from University College London, explores the research which has driven forward our understanding of TB today…
General Drug-resistant tuberculosis: Not just a precursor to the post-antibiotic apocalypse
On World TB Day, Jay Achar(@dr_jay_a) of Médecins Sans Frontières (@MSFSci) highlights the threat of drug-resistant tuberculosis and calls for improved access…
Global Health Step up to Stop TB
Grania Brigden discusses the findings of the Out of Step report into national TB policies. The report will be launched on December…
General Time for a jumpstart: accelerating access to new and promising DR-TB drugs
On World TB day, Grania Brigden (@TBbrigden) of Médecins Sans Frontières (@MSF) calls for improved global access to MDR-TB drugs. World TB…
General Mind the Deadly Gaps
Grania Brigden (@TBBrigden) discusses the urgent need to close the gaps in the TB response. The 45th Union World Conference on Lung…
General EH!WOZA: Leaving the Lab and Addressing TB Stigmas and Taboos
Anastasia Koch, a molecular biology PhD student in South Africa talks about engaging the community with biomedical research. As a molecular biology…
General Challenging the Enemy-Tuberculosis- with Full Force
In the first of two linked posts for World TB Day, Sheetal Gandotra from the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New…
Tuberculosis Gaining Perspective from Performing HIV/M. tuberculosis co-Infection Research in South Africa
In the second of two linked posts for World TB Day, American post doc Collin Diedrich shares his experience researching M. tuberculosis/HIV…
Tuberculosis Gaining Perspective from Performing HIV/M. tuberculosis co-Infection Research in South Africa
In the second of two linked posts for World TB Day, American post doc Collin Diedrich shares his experience researching M. tuberculosis/HIV…
Cholera This Week In PLOS NTDs and PLOS Pathogens: Bed Bugs and Infectious Disease, Cholera in Pregnancy, Diversity of M. tuberculosis Populations, and More
The following new articles are publishing in PLOS NTDs this week: One potential method for controlling African sleeping sickness relies on releasing…